NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
9801.00.40 Free    Exhibition, examination or experimentation, for scientific or educational purposes --
9801.00.50 Free    Exhibition in connection with any circus or menagerie vs-98010040
9801.00.60 Free    Exhibition or use at any public exposition, fair or conference vs-98010050
9801.00.65 Free    Rendition of geophysical or contracting services in connection with the exploration for, or the extraction or development of, natural resources
Articles previously exported from the United States which-- except for U.S. note 1 of this subchapter--would qualify for free entry under one of the foregoing items and are not otherwise free of duty:
9801.00.70.00 A duty equal to the duty upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation, and (b) the duty which would have been payable on any articles used in the manufacture or production of such aircraft had they not been entered and exported under heading 9813.00.05    Aircraft exported from the United States with benefit of drawback or heading 9813.00.05 vs-98010065
9801.00.80 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Other, except articles excluded by U.S. note 1(c) of this subchapter vs-9801007000
9801.00.80.10 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Nonalcoholic beer provided for in subheading 2202.91.00 vs-98010080
9801.00.80.20 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Alcohol provided for in headings 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2207, and 2208 vs-9801008010
9801.00.80.30 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Tobacco and tobacco products provided for in chapter 24 vs-9801008020
9801.00.80.40 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Cigarette paper provided for in heading 4813 vs-9801008030
9801.00.80.90 A duty (in lieu of any other duty or tax) equal to the sum of any duty and internal- revenue tax imposed upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation of the article, and (b) any internal- revenue tax imposed, at the time such article is entered, upon the importation of like articles not previously exported    Other vs-9801008040
9801.00.85.00 Free    Professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, when returned to the United States after having been exported for use temporarily abroad, if imported by or for the account of the person who exported such items vs-9801008090
9801.00.90.00 Free    Animals, domesticated, straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purpose only, together with their offspring; all the foregoing if brought back to the United States within 8 months vs-9801008500
9802.00.20.00 Free    Photographic films and dry plates manufactured in the United States (except motion-picture films to be used for commercial purposes) and exposed abroad, whether developed or not
Articles returned to the United States after having been exported to be advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means:
Articles exported for repairs or alterations:
9802.00.40 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Repairs or alterations made pursuant to a warranty vs-9802002000
9802.00.40.20 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Internal combustion engines vs-98020040
9802.00.40.40 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Other vs-9802004020
9802.00.50 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Other vs-9802004040
9802.00.50.10 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Articles for which duty free treatment is claimed under U.S. note 2(b) to this subchapter
9802.00.50.30 A duty upon the value of the repairs or alterations (see U.S. note 3 of this subchapter)    Internal combustion engines vs-9802005010