NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 Basic Edition)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 Basic Edition)

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
2009.79.00.20 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
Juice of any other single fruit, nut or vegetable:
2009.81.00.00 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos) juice; lingonberry (Vaccinium, vitis-idaea) juice vs-2009790020
2009.89     Other:
Fruit juice:
2009.89.20.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Pear juice vs-200989
2009.89.40.00 0.64¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5%  Prune juice vs-2009892000
2009.89.65 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Cherry Juice
Tart cherry juice concentrate:
2009.89.65.15 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Certified organic vs-20098965
2009.89.65.20 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
Tart cherry juice:
2009.89.65.30 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Certified organic vs-2009896520
2009.89.65.40 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2009896530
2009.89.65.50 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2009896540
2009.89.70 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
Berry juice:
2009.89.70.31 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Blueberry juice, including concentrate vs-20098970
2009.89.70.55 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Red raspberry juice, including concentrate vs-2009897031
2009.89.70.65 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2009897055
2009.89.70.70 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Mango Juice vs-2009897065
2009.89.70.91 0.5¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2009897070
2009.89.80 0.2¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Vegetable juice vs-2009897091
2009.89.80.31 0.2¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  In airtight containers vs-20098980
2009.89.80.39 0.2¢/liter  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2009898031