NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 5)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 5)

Search Key:9817

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
9817.00.20.00 Free Monofilament gill nets to be used for fish sampling --
9817.00.30.00 Free To be used in taking wild birds under license issued by an appropriate Federal or State governmental authority vs-9817002000
9817.00.40.00 Free Developed photographic film, including motion-picture film on which pictures or sound and pictures have been recorded; photographic slides; transparencies; sound recordings; recorded video tape; models (except toy models); charts; maps; globes; and posters; all of the foregoing which are determined to be visual or auditory materials in accordance with U.S. note 1(a) of this subchapter
Articles determined to be visual or auditory materials in accordance with U.S. note 1 of this subchapter:
9817.00.42.00 Free Holograms for laser projection; microfilm, microfiches and similar articles vs-9817004000
9817.00.44.00 Free Motion-picture films in any form on which pictures, or sound and pictures, have been recorded, whether or not developed vs-9817004200
9817.00.46.00 Free Sound recordings, combination sound and visual recordings, and magnetic recordings; video discs, video tapes and similar articles vs-9817004400
9817.00.48.00 Free Patterns and wall charts; globes; mock-ups or visualizations of abstract concepts such as molecular structures or mathematical formulae; materials for programmed instruction; and kits containing printed materials and audio materials or any combination of two or more of the foregoing vs-9817004600
9817.00.50.00 Free Machinery, equipment and implements to be used for agricultural or horticultural purposes vs-9817004800
9817.00.60.00 Free Parts to be used in articles provided for in headings 8432, 8433, 8434 and 8436, whether or not such parts are principally used as parts of such articles and whether or not covered by a specific provision within the meaning of additional U.S. rule of interpretation 1(c) vs-9817005000
9817.00.70.00 Free Animals, game, imported to be liberated in the United States for stocking purposes
Unwrought metal including remelt scrap ingot (except copper, lead, zinc and tungsten) in the form of pigs, ingots or billets (a) which are defective or damaged, or have been produced from melted down metal waste and scrap for convenience in handling and transportation without sweetening, alloying, fluxing or deliberate purifying, and (b) which cannot be commercially used without re-manufacture; relaying or rerolling rails; and articles of metal (except articles of lead, of zinc or of tungsten, and not including metal-bearing materials provided for in section VI, chapter 26 or subheading 8549.11, 8549.12, 8549.13, 8549.14, 8549.19 and not including unwrought metal provided for in chapters 72-81) to be used in remanufacture by melting or to be processed by shredding, shearing, compacting or similar processing which renders them fit only for the recovery of the metal content:
9817.00.80 Free Articles of copper vs-9817007000
9817.00.90 Free Other vs-98170080
9817.00.90.40 Free Pigs, ingots or billets vs-98170090
9817.00.90.60 Free Relaying or rerolling rails vs-9817009040
9817.00.90.80 Free Other
Articles specially designed or adapted for the use or benefit of the blind or other physically or mentally handicapped persons; parts and accessories (except parts and accessories of braces and artificial limb prosthetics) that are specially designed or adapted for use in the foregoing articles:
Articles for the blind:
9817.00.92 Free Books, music and pamphlets, in raised print, used exclusively by or for them vs-9817009080
9817.00.94 Free Braille tablets, cubarithms, and special apparatus, machines, presses, and types for their use or benefit exclusively vs-98170092
9817.00.96 Free Other vs-98170094
9817.00.98.00 Free Theatrical scenery, properties and apparel brought into the United States by proprietors or managers of theatrical, ballet, opera or similar productions arriving from abroad for temporary use by them in such productions vs-98170096
9817.22.05 Rum, tafia, liqueurs and spirituous beverages, of a type classifiable in subheading 2208.40 or 2208.90 and described in U.S. note 6 to this subchapter vs-9817009800
3707.90.31.00 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Acid violet 19 vs-98172205
3707.90.32 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-3707903100
3707.90.32.10 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Unsensitized emulsions, for use in color negative photographic paper vs-37079032
3707.90.32.20 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Couplers, for use in color negative photographic paper vs-3707903210
3707.90.32.30 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Coupler dispersions, for use in color negative photographic paper vs-3707903220
3707.90.32.90 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-3707903230
3707.90.60.00 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use vs-3707903290
5701.10.40.00 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Hand-hooked, that is, in which the tufts were inserted and knotted by hand or by means of a hand tool (465) vs-3707906000
5701.10.90.00 4.5% The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other (465) vs-5701104000
5701.90.20 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-5701109000
5701.90.20.10 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Hand-hooked, that is, in which the tufts were inserted and knotted by hand or by means of a hand tool
5701.90.20.20 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Of cotton (369) vs-5701902010
5701.90.20.30 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Of man-made fibers (665) vs-5701902020
5701.90.20.90 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-5701902030
5805.00.25.00 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other (414) vs-5701902090
5805.00.40 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-5805002500
5805.00.40.10 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Of man-made fibers (666) vs-58050040
5805.00.40.90 Free The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25% Other vs-5805004010
6302.91.00 9.2% The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5% Of cotton
Of pile or tufted construction:
6302.91.00.05 9.2% The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 7.5% Dish (369) vs-63029100