2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29359000.13 Bensulfuron-methyl,pyrazosulfuron-methyl,nicosulfuron,dicloxacin and the like kilogram/- 35%  S --
29359000.14 Azadirachine,pyrazasulfuron,trifloxysulfuron and so on kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.13
29359000.15 Fomesafen,sulcotrothione,pyrazole sulfonamide and the like kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.14
29359000.16 Fomesafen,Sulfamethoxazole,fosfomycin amine and so on kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.15
29359000.17 Sulfosate phosphonate,amoxicine,trifloxysulfuron,sulfasalazine and the like kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.16
29359000.18 Fusidamide,glucosamine and the like kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.17
29359000.19 Stocking phosphorus,cutting phosphorus,phosphorus and so on kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.18
29359000.20 Epoxysulfuron kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.19
29359000.31 Saflufenacil kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.20
29359000.32 Thionisulfuron kilogram/- 35%  S Compare-29359000.31
29359000.33 Sulfadiazine kilogram/- 35%  Compare-29359000.32
29359000.34 Sulfamethazine kilogram/- 35%  M/ Compare-29359000.33
29359000.35 Sulfamethoxazole kilogram/- 35%  Compare-29359000.34
29359000.36 Bosentan kilogram/- 35%  Compare-29359000.35
29359000.37 Perfluorohexyl sulfonic acid,its salts and its related compounds (Sulfonamide compounds (commodities listed in the Catalogue of Goods Prohibited from Import (the eighth batch)) kilogram/- 35%  89 Compare-29359000.36
29359000.38 salts and related compounds of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFO A class) kilogram/- 35%  X Compare-29359000.37
29359000.90 Other sulfoamides kilogram/- 35%  Compare-29359000.38
29362100.00 Vitamins A and their derivatives,whether or not in any solvent,unmixed kilogram/- 20%  A R/ Compare-29359000.90
29362200.00 Vitamin B1 and its derivatives,whether or not in any solvent,unmixed kilogram/- 20%  A R/ Compare-29362100.00
29362300.00 Vitamin B2 and its derivatives,whether or not in any solvent,unmixed kilogram/- 20%  A R/ Compare-29362200.00