2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
44032590.90 Other coniferous logs with minimum section size of 15 cm and above kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q --
44032610.00 Larch logs with minimum section size less than 15 cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032590.90
44032620.00 Douglas fir logs with minimum section size less than 15cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032610.00
44032690.10 Endangered yew logs with minimum section size less than 15 cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032620.00
44032690.20 Other endangered coniferous logs with minimum section size less than 15 cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44032690.10
44032690.90 Other coniferous logs with minimum section size less than 15cm kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032690.20
44034100.00 Other Dark Red Meranti,Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44032690.90
44034200.00 teak log kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A P/Q Compare-44034100.00
44034920.00 Other Okoume(Aukoumed klaineana)rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034200.00
44034930.00 Other Dipterocarpus spp. Keruing rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034920.00
44034940.00 Other Kapur(Dryobalanops spp)rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034930.00
44034950.00 Other Intsia spp.(Mengaris)rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034940.00
44034960.00 Other Koompassia spp(Mengaris or Kempas)rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034950.00
44034970.00 Other Anisopter spp.rough wood kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034960.00
44034980.10 Endangered tropical mahogany logs kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44034970.00
44034980.90 Other tropical mahogany logs kilogram/cubic meter 35%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034980.10
44034990.10 Endangered tropical rough wood,specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter(other than that treated with paint,stains,creosote or other preservatives) kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44034980.90
44034990.20 Other endangered tropical logs kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44034990.10
44034990.90 Tropical rough wood,specified in subhead- ing Note 1 to this Chapter,other than that treated with paint,stains,creosote or other preservatives kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8A M.P/Q Compare-44034990.20
44039100.10 mongolia oak logs(paint,colorant,creosote or other preservative treatmentexcept) kilogram/cubic meter 8%  8AEF M.P/Q Compare-44034990.90