2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
44071200.11 End jointed endangered spruce and fir thick sheet kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF M.P/Q --
44071200.19 Other spruce and fir thick plates joined end to end kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44071200.11
44071200.91 Non-end joined endangered spruce and fir thick sheet kilogram/cubic meter 14%  4ABEFxy M.P/Q Compare-44071200.19
44071200.99 Non-end joins other spruce and fir thick plates kilogram/cubic meter 14%  4ABxy M.P/Q Compare-44071200.91
44071300.11 End-jointed endangered spruce-pine-fir thick plate kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF P/Q Compare-44071200.99
44071300.19 End joint with other spruce-pine-fir thick plates kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB P/Q Compare-44071300.11
44071300.91 Endangered spruce-pine-fir thick plate with non-end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF P/Q Compare-44071300.19
44071300.99 Other spruce-pine-fir planks not joined at the ends kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB P/Q Compare-44071300.91
44071400.11 End-jointed endangered hemlock fir thick plate kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF P/Q Compare-44071300.99
44071400.19 End joint with other hemlock - fir thick plate kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB P/Q Compare-44071400.11
44071400.91 Endangered hemlock - fir thick plate without end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF P/Q Compare-44071400.19
44071400.99 Other hemlock - fir thick plates without end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB P/Q Compare-44071400.91
44071910.10 Douglas fir thick plate with end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44071400.99
44071910.90 Douglas fir thick plate without end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  4ABxy M.P/Q Compare-44071910.10
44071990.11 End joint with other endangered coniferous thick plates kilogram/cubic meter 14%  ABEF M.P/Q Compare-44071910.90
44071990.19 End joint with other coniferous thick plates kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB M.P/Q Compare-44071990.11
44071990.91 Non-end jointed other endangered coniferous thick plates kilogram/cubic meter 14%  4ABEFxy M.P/Q Compare-44071990.19
44071990.99 Other softwood planks not joined at the ends kilogram/cubic meter 14%  4ABxy M.P/Q Compare-44071990.91
44072100.11 End-joint endangered mahogany kilogram/cubic meter 14%  FEAB P/Q Compare-44071990.99
44072100.19 Other mahogany with end joint kilogram/cubic meter 14%  AB P/Q Compare-44072100.11