2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84158120.90 Air conditioning machines,heat pumps,of a refrigerating effect exceeding 12046 Cal(14000W) per hour set/kilogram 90%  A L.M/ --
84158210.00 Air conditioning machines ,of a refrigerating effect not exceeding 4000 Cal per hour ( incorporating a refrigerating unit but not incorporating a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle ) set/kilogram 130%  A L.M/ Compare-84158120.90
84158220.01 other air conditioning machines ,of a refrigerating effect exceeding 4000Cal per hour set/kilogram 90%  A L.M/ Compare-84158210.00
84158220.90 Other air conditioning machines,incorporating a refrigerating unit but not incorporating a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle,of a refrigerating effect exceeding 12046 Cal (14000W) per hour set/kilogram 90%  A L.M/ Compare-84158220.01
84158300.00 Air conditioning machines ,not incorporating a refrigerating unit set/kilogram 90%  Compare-84158220.90
84159010.00 Parts of the machines of subheadings ,of a refrigerating effect not exceeding 4000Cal per hour ,No.8415.1010,8415.1021,8415.8110 and 8415.8210 kilogram/- 130%  Compare-84158300.00
84159090.00 Parts of the machines of subheadings ,of a refrigerating effect exceeding 4000Cal per hour ,No.84151022、84152000、84158120、84158220 kilogram/- 90%  Compare-84159010.00
84161000.00 -Furnace burners for liquid fuel kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84159090.00
84162011.01 Natural gas burners for lithium bromide air conditioners kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84161000.00
84162011.90 Other natural gas furnace burners kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162011.01
84162019.00 Other gas furnace burners kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162011.90
84162090.00 Burner for furnaces using powdered solid fuel kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162019.00
Duplex burners for lithium bromide air conditioners kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162090.00
Other furnace burners for pulverized solid fuel (including other duplex burners) kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162090.01
84163000.00 Mechanical stokers,including their mechanical grates,mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances kilogram/set 35%  6 Compare-84162090.90
84169000.00 Parts of mechanical stokers,furnace burners ,including their mechanical grates,mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances , kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84163000.00
84171000.00 Furnaces and ovens for the roasting,melting or other heattreatment of ores,pyrites or of metals set/kilogram 35%  6 M/ Compare-84169000.00
84172000.00 Bakery ovens,including biscuit ovens set/kilogram 35%  A R/ Compare-84171000.00
84178010.00 Coke ovens set/kilogram 35%  6 M/ Compare-84172000.00
84178020.00 Burn furnaces for radioactive waste set/kilogram 35%  6 M/ Compare-84178010.00