2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84183021.00 Freezers of the chest type ,exceeding 500L but not exceeding 800L capacity ,of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or of more set/kilogram 100%  A --
84183029.00 Other freezers of the chest type ,not exceeding 500L capacity ,of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or of more set/kilogram 130%  A L.M/ Compare-84183021.00
84184010.00 Freezer of the upringht type ,not exceeding 900L capacity ,of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or lower set/kilogram 50%  A M/ Compare-84183029.00
84184021.00 Freezer of the upringht type ,exceeding 500L but not exceeding 900L capacity ,of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or more set/kilogram 100%  A Compare-84184010.00
84184029.00 Freezer of the upringht type ,not exceeding 500L capacity ,of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or more set/kilogram 130%  A L.M/ Compare-84184021.00
84185000.00 Other furniture(chests cabinets,display counters,show-cases and the like)for storage and display,incorporating refrigerating or freezing equipment set/kilogram 100%  A L.M/ Compare-84184029.00
84186120.10 Heat pumps for compression-type refrigerating units (cooled to≤23K,and heat elimination>150W,with hydrogen and helium as their media) set/kilogram 90%  3 Compare-84185000.00
84186120.90 Other compression type heat pumps,excluding air conditioning machines listed in Heading No. 8415 set/kilogram 90%  Compare-84186120.10
84186190.00 Other heat pumps,excluding air conditioning machines listed in Heading No. 8415 set/kilogram 130%  Compare-84186120.90
84186920.10 Other compression type refrigeration equipments(cooled to≤23K,and heat elimination>150W,with hydrogen and helium as their media) set/kilogram 90%  3 Compare-84186190.00
84186920.90 Other refrigerating units set/kilogram 90%  Compare-84186920.10
84186990.10 Fermenters with refrigeration appliances(non-divergent aerosol,volume>20) set/kilogram 130%  3 Compare-84186920.90
84186990.20 Ice makers and ice cream machines set/kilogram 130%  Compare-84186990.10
84186990.90 Other refrigeration equipments set/kilogram 130%  Compare-84186990.20
84189100.00 Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment kilogram/- 130%  Compare-84186990.90
84189910.00 Parts of refrigerating units and heat pumps kilogram/- 90%  Compare-84189100.00
84189991.00 Parts of freezing equipment of a refrigerating temperature of -40℃ or lower kilogram/- 50%  Compare-84189910.00
84189992.00 Parts of refrigerating or freezing equipment of a refrigerating temperature higher than -40℃ and a capacity exceeding 500l kilogram/- 100%  Compare-84189991.00
84189999.10 Corrosion-resistent condensers (0.15 sq m<heat transfer area<20 sq m) kilogram/- 130%  3 Compare-84189992.00
84189999.90 Other parts for refrigeration equipments listed in Heading No. 8418 kilogram/- 130%  Compare-84189999.10