2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
85256090.00 Other transmission apparatus for radio broadcasting or television, incorporating reception apparatus set/kilogram 30%  --
85258110.00 High speed television cameras listed in subheading 1 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85256090.00
85258120.00 High speed digital cameras listed in subheading 1 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258110.00
85258130.00 The high-speed video camera and recorder listed in subheading 1 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258120.00
85258210.10 Anti radiation television camera set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-85258130.00
85258210.90 Other radiation resistant or radiation resistant television cameras listed in footnote 2 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258210.10
85258220.00 Radiation resistant or radiation resistant digital cameras listed in footnote 2 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258210.90
85258230.00 The radiation resistant or radiation resistant video recording all-in-one camera listed in footnote 2 of this chapter set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258220.00
85258310.00 Night vision television cameras listed in footnote three of this chapter's subheadings set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258230.00
85258320.00 Night vision digital cameras listed in footnote three of this chapter's subheadings set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258310.00
85258330.00 The night vision video camera and recorder listed in footnote three of this chapter's subheadings set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258320.00
85258911.10 Special thermal imaging television camera for unmanned aerial vehicles under dual-use item control set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-85258330.00
85258911.90 Other special purpose television cameras set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258911.10
85258912.00 Non special purpose broadcast grade television camera set/kilogram 130%  Compare-85258911.90
85258919.00 Other non special purpose television cameras and camera components set/kilogram 130%  Compare-85258912.00
85258921.10 Special thermal imaging digital camera for unmanned aerial vehicles under dual-use item control set/kilogram 17%  3 Compare-85258919.00
85258921.90 Other specialized digital cameras set/kilogram 17%  Compare-85258921.10
85258922.00 Non special purpose single lens reflex digital camera set/kilogram 130%  Compare-85258921.90
85258923.00 Non special purpose interchangeable lens digital cameras set/kilogram 130%  Compare-85258922.00
85258929.00 Other non special purpose digital cameras set/kilogram 130%  Compare-85258923.00