2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
87091190.00 Other electrical trucks for short distance transport of goods (not fitted with lifting or handling equipment,of the type used in factories,warehouses,dock areas or airports) unit/kilogram 30%  6 --
87091910.00 Non electrical Tractors for short distance transport of goods (not fitted with lifting or handling equipment,including non electrical tractors of the type used on railway station platforms) unit/kilogram 30%  6 Compare-87091190.00
87091990.00 Other non electrical trucks for short distance transport of goods (not fitted with lifting or handling equipment,of the type used in factories,warehouses,dock areas or airports) unit/kilogram 30%  6 Compare-87091910.00
87099000.00 Parts of works trucks for short distance transport of goods,including tractors of the type used on railway station platforms kilogram/- 17%  6 Compare-87091990.00
87100010.00 Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles,motorized,whether or not fitted with weapons,Assembled unit/kilogram 100%  6 Compare-87099000.00
87100090.00 Parts and accessories of Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles,motorized,whether or not fitted with weapons kilogram/- 100%  6 Compare-87100010.00
87111000.10 Motorcycles and mopeds,(with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,of a cylinder capacity equal to 50cc) unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87100090.00
87111000.90 Motorcycles and mopeds,(with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50cc) unit/kilogram 150%  6A L.M/ Compare-87111000.10
87112010.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cc but not exceeding 100cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87111000.90
87112020.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 100 cc but not exceeding 125cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112010.00
87112030.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 150cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112020.00
87112040.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding 200cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112030.00
87112050.10 20<<250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocating piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112040.00
87112050.90 Displacement =250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocation piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112050.10
87113010.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250cc but not exceeding 400cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87112050.90
87113020.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine,Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 400cc but not exceeding 500cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87113010.00
87114000.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 500cc but not exceeding 800cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87113020.00
87115000.00 Motorcycles and mopeds,With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800cc unit/kilogram 150%  46Axy L.M/ Compare-87114000.00
87116000.10 electric bicycle unit/kilogram 150%  6A M/ Compare-87115000.00
87116000.90 Other motorcycles equipped with electric drive motor unit/kilogram 150%  6A L.M/ Compare-87116000.10