2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
87149210.00 Wheel rims of cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 --
87149290.00 Spokes of cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149210.00
87149310.00 Hubs of cycles not motorized,other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149290.00
87149320.00 Free wheel of cycles not motorized,other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149310.00
87149390.00 sprocket wheels of cycles not motorized,other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149320.00
87149400.00 Brakes,including coaster braking hubs and hub brakes,and parts thereof cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149390.00
87149500.00 Saddles of cycles not motorized kilogram/piece 80%  6 Compare-87149400.00
87149610.00 Pedals and parts thereof cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149500.00
87149620.00 Crank-gear and parts thereof cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149610.00
87149900.00 Other parts and accessoris of cycles not motorized kilogram/- 80%  6 Compare-87149620.00
87150000.10 Baby car kilogram/- 80%  6A L.M/ Compare-87149900.00
87150000.90 Baby car parts kilogram/- 80%  6A L.M/ Compare-87150000.10
87161000.00 Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type,for housing or camping unit/kilogram 35%  6A L.M/ Compare-87150000.90
87162000.00 Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes unit/kilogram 35%  6 Compare-87161000.00
87163110.00 Oil tanker trailers and semi-trailers unit/kilogram 20%  6A M.L/ Compare-87162000.00
87163190.00 Other tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers unit/kilogram 35%  6A M.L/ Compare-87163110.00
87163910.00 Van trailers and semi-trailers unit/kilogram 20%  6A M.L/ Compare-87163190.00
87163990.00 Other trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods unit/kilogram 35%  6A M.L/ Compare-87163910.00
87164000.00 Other trailers and semi-trailers,not specified unit/kilogram 35%  6A M.L/ Compare-87163990.00
87168000.00 Other vehicles,not mechanically propelled,not specified unit/kilogram 80%  6 Compare-87164000.00