2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)
HS CODE | Commodity Name | Unit | Duty | Regulations | Quarantine | Compare |
21031000.00 | Soya sauce | kilogram/- | 90% | AB | R/S | -- |
21032000.00 | Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces | kilogram/- | 90% | AB | R/S | Compare-21031000.00 |
21033000.00 | Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard | kilogram/- | 70% | AB | P/R/Q/S | Compare-21032000.00 |
21039010.00 | Gourmet powder | kilogram/- | 130% | AB | R/S | Compare-21033000.00 |
21039020.00 | Aromatic bitters, 44.2%-49.2% of which is alcoholic strength by volume, 1.5%-6% of which is spiles and various ingredients by weight and 4% -10% of which is sugar by weight | kilogram/- | 90% | AB | R/S | Compare-21039010.00 |
21039090.00 | Other condiments and seasonings | kilogram/- | 90% | AB | R/S | Compare-21039020.00 |