2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:2009

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
20091100.00 Orange juices,frozen,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20091200.10 Non-frozen orange juice with a Brix value not exceeding 20 and a minimum net weight of individual packaging of ≥180 kg kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20091200.90 Non-frozen orange juice with a Brix value not exceeding 20 kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20091900.10 Non-frozen orange juice with a Brix value exceeding 20 and a minimum net weight of individual packaging of ≥180 kg kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20091900.90 Non-frozen orange juice with a Brix value exceeding 20 kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20092100.00 Grapefruit(including pomelo) juices,of a Brix value not exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20092900.00 Grapefruit(including pomelo) juices,of a Brix value exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20093110.00 Lemon juice,of a Brix value not exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20093190.00 Other juice of any other single citrus fruit,of a Brix value not exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20093910.00 Lemon Juice,of a Brix value exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20093990.00 Other juice of any other single citrus fruit,of a Brix value exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter,other than lemon juice kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20094100.00 Pineapple juice,of a Brix value not exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20094900.00 Pineapple juice,of a Brix value exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20095000.00 Tomato juice,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 80%  AB R/S
20096100.00 Grape juice(including grape must),of a Brix value not exceeding 30,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20096900.00 Grape juice(including grape must),of a Brix value exceeding 30,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20097100.00 Apple juice,of a Brix value not exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20097900.00 Apple juice,of a Brix value exceeding 20,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
20098100.00 Cranberries juice,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
20098912.00 Mango juice,unfermented and not containing added spirit,whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
01039200.90 Other live swine,weighing 50kg or more(other than pure-bred breeding) kilogram/head 50%  4xAB P.R/Q
02031200.90 Hams,shoulders and cuts of swine,with bone in,fresh or chilled kilogram/- 70%  47ABx P.R/Q.S
02032200.90 Hams,shoulders and cuts of swine,with bone in,frozen kilogram/- 70%  47ABx P.R/Q.S
02101200.90 Other bellies(streaky)and cuts of swine,salted,in brine,dried or smoked kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q.S
03029200.90 Other fresh or cold shark fin kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S
03039200.90 Other frozen shark fin kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S
03057200.90 Heads,tails and maws of other fish,dried,smoked,salted or in brine kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q.S
03077200.90 Frozen other clams,cockles and cockles (clams,arctic clams,cockles,clams,clams,clams,clams,clams,clams,clams,truncatus Branch,Penny Branch,Branch Division) kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S
03079200.90 Other frozen molluscs kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S
03081200.90 Frozen other sea cucumbers (sea cucumber,sea cucumber Gang) kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q.S
03082200.90 Other frozen sea urchins kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S
08029200.90 Shelled other pine nuts,fresh or dry kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S
09081200.90 Other ground nutmeg kilogram/- 30%  QAB P.R/Q
09082200.90 Other worn nutmeg clothes kilogram/- 30%  AB P.R/Q
09083200.90 Other ground cardamom kilogram/- 14%  QAB P.R/Q
16024200.90 Shoulders and cuts of swine,prepared or preserved kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16055200.90 Scallops,including queen scallops ,prepared or preserved kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
17011200.90 Raw beet sugar,without added flavouring or colouring matter(out-of-quota) kilogram/- 125%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S