2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:9401

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
94011000.00 Seats of a kind used for aircraft piece/kilogram 100% 
94012010.00 Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles With outer surface of leather or composition leather piece/kilogram 100%  L
94012090.00 Other seats of a kind used for motor vehicles piece/kilogram 100%  L
94013100.10 Rotating seat with adjustable height piece/kilogram 100  EF
94013100.90 Other wooden rotating seats with adjustable height piece/kilogram 100 
94013900.00 Other adjustable height rotating seats piece/kilogram 100% 
94014110.10 Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, con-vertible into beds, with outer surface of leather or composi-tion leather, of endangered wood piece/kilogram 100  EF
94014110.90 Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, con-vertible into beds, with outer surface of leather or composi-tion leather, of non-endangered wood piece/kilogram 100 
94014190.10 Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, con-vertible into beds, of endangered wood piece/kilogram 100  EF
94014190.90 Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, con-vertible into beds, of non-endangered wood piece/kilogram 100 
94014910.00 Other dual-purpose chairs with leather or recycled leather surfaces that can be used as beds piece/kilogram 100%  L
94014990.00 Other dual-purpose chairs that can be used as beds piece/kilogram 100%  L
94015200.10 Seats of bamboo, of endangered wild bamboo piece/kilogram 100  ABE P/Q
94015200.90 Other seats of bamboo piece/kilogram 100  AB P/Q
94015300.10 Seats of rattan, of endangered wild bamboo piece/kilogram 100  ABEF P/Q
94015300.90 Other seats of rattan piece/kilogram 100  AB P/Q
94015900.00 seats of osier or similar materials piece/kilogram 100%  AB P/Q
94016110.10 Upholstered seats with wooden frames, with outer surface of leather or composition leather, of endangered wood piece/kilogram 100  ABEF P/Q
94016110.90 Upholstered seats with wooden frames, with outer surface of leather or composition leather, of non-endangered wood piece/kilogram 100  AB P/Q
94016190.10 Other upholstered seats with wooden frames, of endangeredwood piece/kilogram 100  ABEF P/Q
05119940.10 Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material kilogram/- 90%  9B P/Q
44072940.11 Endangered tropical rosewood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm kilogram/cubic meter 40%  FEAB P/Q
44072940.19 Other tropical rosewood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm kilogram/cubic meter 40%  AB P/Q
44129940.10 For other endangered multilayer boards,the upper and lower surface layers are coniferous wood,and at least one layer of wood debris board is contained in the middle kilogram/cubic meter 30  ABFE M.P/Q
73194010.00 Safety pins of iron or steel kilogram/- 90% 
84194010.00 Stripping towers set/kilogram 30%  A R
84213940.10 Flue gas desulfurization apparatus,equipped with stainless steel shell,inlet and outlet pipe diameter not exceeding 1.3cm piece/kilogram 40% 
84294011.00 Road rollers ,vibration type, of a deadweight of 18t or more set/kilogram 20%  OA M
84294019.00 Other self-propelled road rollers set/kilogram 40%  OA M
85094010.00 Fruit or vegetable juice extractors set/kilogram 100%  A L/R