2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

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HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
03019210.10 Fry of marbled eels(Acolor='red' >nguilla marmorata) kilogram/- 0%  ABE P/N/Q
03019210.20 Fry of europeacolor='red' >n eels kilogram/- 0%  ABEF P/N/Q
03019210.90 Other fry of eels kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
03019491.00 Atlacolor='red' >ntic blueficolor='red' >n tucolor='red' >nas(Thucolor='red' >ncolor='red' >nus thycolor='red' >ncolor='red' >nus) kilogram/- 40%  AB P/N/Q
03019492.00 Pacific blueficolor='red' >n tucolor='red' >nas(Thucolor='red' >ncolor='red' >nus oriecolor='red' >ntalis) kilogram/- 40%  AB P/N/Q
03019590.00 Other southercolor='red' >n blueficolor='red' >n tucolor='red' >nas(thucolor='red' >ncolor='red' >nus maccoyii) kilogram/- 40%  AB P/N/Q
03019992.00 Puffer fish kilogram/- 40%  AB P/N/Q
03019993.10 Ecolor='red' >ndacolor='red' >ngered live carp, other thacolor='red' >n carp(Cypricolor='red' >nus carpio, Carassius carassius, Ctecolor='red' >nopharycolor='red' >ngodocolor='red' >n idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhicolor='red' >nus spp., Mylopharycolor='red' >ngodocolor='red' >n piceus) kilogram/- 40%  ABFE P/N.Q
03019999.10 Other ecolor='red' >ndacolor='red' >ngered live fish kilogram/- 40%  ABFE P/N.Q
07131010.00 Dried peas (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split), Seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07132010.00 Dried chickpeas (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split), Seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07133110.00 Dried beacolor='red' >ns of the species vigcolor='red' >na mucolor='red' >ngo(L.) Hepper or vigcolor='red' >na radiata(L.) wilczek (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split),seedlicolor='red' >ngs kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07133210.00 Dried small red beacolor='red' >ns (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split),Seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07133310.00 Dried kidcolor='red' >ney beacolor='red' >ns, icolor='red' >ncludicolor='red' >ng white pea beacolor='red' >ns (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split),Seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07134010.00 Dried lecolor='red' >ntils (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split),seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07135010.00 Dried broad beacolor='red' >ns acolor='red' >nd horse beacolor='red' >ns (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split),seedlicolor='red' >ngs kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07136010.00 Dried pigeocolor='red' >n peas (whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split), seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07139010.00 Other dried legumicolor='red' >nous vegetables(whether or color='red' >not skicolor='red' >ncolor='red' >ned or split), seed kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
07149021.00 lotus rootstock, for cultivatiocolor='red' >n kilogram/- 0%  AB P/N/Q
08011910.00 Cococolor='red' >nuts, Seedlicolor='red' >ngs kilogram/- 0%  AB P/Q/N