2025 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(January 1, 2025 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
0401.50.119 - Other /KG   21.3% + 635 yen/kg --
0401.50.119 (2) Other / 25% + 1,411 yen/kg  Free Compare-0401.50.119
0401.50.121 - For "the Pooled Quota of other milk products″ /KG   25% (25%) Compare-0401.50.119
0401.50.129 - Other /KG   21.3% + 1,199 yen/kg Compare-0401.50.121
0401.50.200 2 Other /KG 25%  21.3% Free Compare-0401.50.129
04.02.200 Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter /   Compare-0401.50.200
0402.10.200 In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5% /   Compare-04.02.200
0402.10.200 1 Containing added sugar / (35% + 466 yen/kg)  Free Compare-0402.10.200
0402.10.110 〔1〕Imported by the Agriculture and Livestock Industries Corporation to the extent of the quantity stipulated by the Paragraph 1 of Article 17 of Act on Stabilization of Livestock Management or imported with approval of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by means stipulated by the Paragraph 2 thereof /KG   35% (35%) Compare-0402.10.200
0402.10.110 〔2〕Other /   Compare-0402.10.110
0402.10.121 - Concerning milk and cream in powder, granules or other solid forms in this subheading 1-〔2〕, 2-(1)-〔2〕, (2)-〔2〕, 0402.21-2-(1), (2)-〔2〕 and 0402.29-2-〔2〕, for the quantity (quota) stipulated by a Cabinet Order on the basis of 74,973 ton, in consideration of the quantity of prospective domestic demand in the current fiscal year (April-March), international market situation and other relevant conditions, hereinafter referred to as "the Pooled Quota of skimmed milk powder other than for school lunch etc." in this heading /KG   35% (35%) Compare-0402.10.110
0402.10.129 - Other /KG   36% + 130yen/kg *29.8% + 396 yen/kg Compare-0402.10.121
0402.10.129 2 Other /   Compare-0402.10.129
0402.10.129 (1) For school lunch for children, pupils or infants of kindergartens, elementary schools, lower secondary schools, compulsory education schools, upper secondary schools having evening courses, or special support schools, for pupils of children’s welfare institutions or the like as may be prescribed by a Cabinet Order, or for pupils receiving daycare by the business stipulated by paragraph 9 , 10 or 12 of Article 6 - 3 of the Child Welfare Act, hereinafter referred to as“ For school lunch etc.” in this heading, and for the manufacture of mixed feeds as may be prescribed by a Cabinet Order, hereinafter referred to as“ For feeding purposes” in this heading / (466 yen/kg)  Compare-0402.10.129
0402.10.129 〔1〕For school lunch etc. /   Compare-0402.10.129
0402.10.211 Description /KG   #Free (Free) Compare-0402.10.129
0402.10.212 - Other /KG   26% + 130yen/kg *396 yen/kg Free Compare-0402.10.211
0402.10.212 〔2〕For feeding purposes /   Compare-0402.10.212
0402.10.216 - For "the Pooled Quota of skimmed milk powder other than for school lunch etc.″ /KG   #Free (Free) Compare-0402.10.212
0402.10.217 - Other /KG   26% + 130yen/kg *396 yen/kg Free Compare-0402.10.216
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.
**2The mark "#" put to certain TPP (CPTPP) rates denotes Reduced rates which are applicable to any goods that are used for special purposes, based on the provisions of Article 9 of the Temporary Tariff Measures Law and of Article 32 of the Cabinet Order for Enforcement of the Temporary Tariff Measures Law.
**3Containing added sugar
−For the Pooled Quota 35% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 396 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
−For the Pooled Quota 25% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 396 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
**4Containing added sugar
−For the Pooled Quota 35% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 582 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
−For the Pooled Quota 25% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 582 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
**5Containing added sugar
−For the Pooled Quota 35% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 1,023 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
−For the Pooled Quota 25% + 100 yen/kg
−Other than for the Pooled Quota (29.8% + 1,023 yen/kg) or (36% + 200 yen/kg), whichever is the less
**6Whey (whey permeate) and Whey (prepared whey for infant formula), for the Pooled Quota (Treatment for New Zealand) Free
For the manufacture of mixed feeds containing added coloring matter which is recognised as in blue at the time of import Free
**7Tariff Rate Quota for the European Union
−Whey (prepared whey for infant formula) Free
−Whey (whey permeate) Free
For the manufacture of mixed feeds containing added colouring matter which is recognised as in blue at the time of import Free
**8Cream Cheese which is a soft, spreadable, unripened and rindless cheese, containing milk fat in dry matter more than the minimum content, moisture on fat free basis more than the minimum content and dry matter more than the minimum content, as described in Codex Standard for Cream Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 275-1973)
−Containing fat content, by weight, less than 45% 18.6%
−Containing fat content, by weight, not less than 45% 26.8%
−Intended for use as materials for shredded cheese
−−For the Pooled Quota Free
−−Other than for the Pooled Quota 29.8%
−Other 29.8%
**9Cream Cheese which is a soft, spreadable, unripened and rindless cheese, containing milk fat in dry matter more than the minimum content, moisture on fat free basis more than the minimum content and dry matter more than the minimum content, as described in Codex Standard for Cream Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 275-1973)
−Containing fat content, by weight, less than 45% 18.6%
−For the Pooled Quota (Other) 18.6%
For the Pooled Quota (Other) 18.6%
**10Cream Cheese which is a soft, spreadable, unripened and rindless cheese, containing milk fat in dry matter more than the minimum content, moisture on fat free basis more than the minimum content and dry matter more than the minimum content, as described in Codex Standard for Cream Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 275-1973)
−Containing fat content, by weight, less than 45% 18.6%
−Subject to Preferential Import Certificate (Other) 18.6%
Subject to Preferential Import Certificate (Other) 18.6%
**11Cream Cheese which is a soft, spreadable, unripened and rindless cheese, containing milk fat in dry matter more than the minimum content, moisture on fat free basis more than the minimum content and dry matter more than the minimum content, as described in Codex Standard for Cream Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 275-1973)
−Containing fat content, by weight, less than 45% 18.6%
−Other 26.8%
**12Soft cheese containing moisture on a fatfree basis exceeding the level as described for soft designation as defined in Section 7.1.1 of Codex General Standard for Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 283-1978)
−For the Pooled Quota 18.6%
−Other Unbound
Other 18.6%
**13Soft cheese containing moisture on a fatfree basis exceeding the level as described for soft designation as defined in Section 7.1.1 of Codex General Standard for Cheese (CODEX STANDARD 283-1978)
−Subject to Preferential Import Certificate 18.6%
−Other 18.6%