2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
2103.20.000 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces /   --
2103.20.010 1 Tomato ketchup /KG 25%  21.3% Free Compare-2103.20.000
2103.20.090 2 Other tomato sauces L/KG 20%  17% Free Compare-2103.20.010
2103.30.090 Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard /   Compare-2103.20.090
2103.30.100 1 Put up in containers for retail sale /KG 12.2%  9% Free Compare-2103.30.090
2103.30.200 2 Other /KG 10.3%  7.5% Free Compare-2103.30.100
2103.90.200 Other /   Compare-2103.30.200
2103.90.200 1 Sauces /   Compare-2103.90.200
2103.90.110 (1) Mayonnaise /KG 12.8%  (12.8%) Free Compare-2103.90.200
2103.90.120 (2) French dressings and salad dressings /KG 12%  10.5% Free Compare-2103.90.110
2103.90.130 (3) Other /KG 9.6%  7.2% 6% Free Compare-2103.90.120
2103.90.130 2 Other /   Compare-2103.90.130
2103.90.210 (1) Instant curry and other curry preparations /KG 9.6%  7.2% 3.6% Free Compare-2103.90.130
2103.90.210 (2) Other /   Compare-2103.90.210
2103.90.221 A Consisting chiefly of sodiumglutamate /KG 16%  9.6% 4.8% Free Compare-2103.90.210
2103.90.229 B Other /KG 14%  10.5% Free Compare-2103.90.221
21.04.229 Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations /   Compare-2103.90.229
2104.10.229 Soups and broths and preparations therefor /   Compare-21.04.229
2104.10.010 1 Of vegetable, in airtight containers /KG 7%  (7%) Free Compare-2104.10.229
2104.10.020 2 Other /KG 8.4%  (8.4%) Free Compare-2104.10.010
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.
**2For the Pooled Quota (Made from cheese, wine and other ingredients such as spirits, salt, starch (maximum 3% by weight), spices, not less than 50% of which is cheese by weight, not less than 20% of which is alcoholic beverages by weight and put up in containers for retail sale by weight of 0.9kg or less each including container for retail sale) 21%
**3Put up in containers for retail sale, not more than 500 g each including container 13.5%
−For the Pooled Quota 23.3%
−Other than for the Pooled Quota ※23.4%