2025 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(January 1, 2025 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
5205.41.029 Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) /   --
5205.41.010 1 Containing more than 10% by weight, separately or together, of synthetic fibres or acetate fibres /KG 8.4%  5.6% 4.48% Free Compare-5205.41.029
5205.41.020 2 Other /KG 2.8% or 20 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  1.9% or 13 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Free Compare-5205.41.010
5205.42.020 Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn) /   Compare-5205.41.020
5205.42.010 1 Containing more than 10% by weight, separately or together, of synthetic fibres or acetate fibres /KG 8.4%  5.6% 4.48% Free Compare-5205.42.020
5205.42.090 2 Other /KG 2.8% or 20 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  1.9% or 13 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Free Compare-5205.42.010
5205.43.090 Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn) /   Compare-5205.42.090
5205.43.010 1 Containing more than 10% by weight, separately or together, of synthetic fibres or acetate fibres /KG 8.4%  5.6% 4.48% Free Compare-5205.43.090
5205.43.010 2 Other / 2.8% or 20 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  Free Compare-5205.43.010
5205.43.021 - Consisting wholly of cotton /KG   2.3% or 17 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Compare-5205.43.010
5205.43.029 - Mixed with other fibres /KG   1.9% or 13 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Compare-5205.43.021
5205.44.029 Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn) /   Compare-5205.43.029
5205.44.010 1 Containing more than 10% by weight, separately or together, of synthetic fibres or acetate fibres /KG 8.4%  5.6% 4.48% Free Compare-5205.44.029
5205.44.010 2 Other / 2.8% or 20 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  Free Compare-5205.44.010
5205.44.021 - Consisting wholly of cotton /KG   2.3% or 17 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Compare-5205.44.010
5205.44.029 - Mixed with other fibres /KG   1.9% or 13 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Compare-5205.44.021
5205.46.029 Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than 106.38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number per single yarn) /   Compare-5205.44.029
5205.46.010 1 Containing more than 10% by weight, separately or together, of synthetic fibres or acetate fibres /KG 8.4%  5.6% 4.48% Free Compare-5205.46.029
5205.46.010 2 Other / 2.8% or 20 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  Free Compare-5205.46.010
5205.46.021 - Consisting wholly of cotton /KG   2.3% or 17 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Compare-5205.46.010
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.